Accepting Pre Orders For chicks and young pullets for spring 2025

Started Young Pullet Hens


Sold Out Of Pullets

We hope to offer more pullets in a couple of months, please check back and we'll list them as they become available.

Our young, started pullets and roosters are around 5 to 6 weeks old when we ship them out.  All pullets are vaccinated for Mareks.   We fill pullet orders in order of payment received, and a whole lot of other factors.  Remember these are live animals, and many factors affect how quickly we work through orders.  Things such as hatch rates, egg production, weather, and the fact that we're working with Heritage poultry all make a difference in our production.  We will text you, call you, or email you when your pullets ship out.  We can also provide young roosters in all breeds, if you would like a rooster drop us a message.

Filling pullet orders is a slow process, if you can't wait patiently, please don't place an order.  We begin shipping the first pullets in late April or early May.  We fill the orders in order of payment received, so this doesn't mean you will get your pullets in April or May.  We will text you when the birds ship out.  If you have dates that is not a good time to ship let us know. 

For the health and safety of the pullets, we can fit 3 birds to a box.  If you want to order more than 3 birds, you can place 2 orders.

Started young pullets ship extremely well!

We guarantee live delivery of pullets. However, if you should have a problem notify us immediately. 

 Policy for mistakes on sexing pullets:  Send a photo of questionable bird, if we have made a mistake we will refund for the cost of the bird.  We hate to make mistakes, but it can and does happen.  Mother nature sometimes hides her secrets very well. 

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